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Photo of Juan Manuel Antúnez Morán Spain

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Juan Manuel Antunes Moran.

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Juan Manuel Antunes Moran.

Biographical Record.

Zarza la Mayor was born in the month of March 1949. From I always had interest in drawing, and in 1961 at the School of D. Pantrigo Julian, my teacher, my interest was breaking it, but as usual, the profession walking a different course. I became a postal officer, then go to the bench, and I do not know if it was because the "stress" to which he was subject, or because I revived the artistic vein, I went back again this activity. One day, I bought some brushes, tubes of oil paint and a canvas, I decided to muddy, not knowing if my deed come to fruition. Experience was positive, and became interested in the works of great painters such as Monet, Van Gogh, Sorolla, etc. Impressionist painters called, I was excited SCENERY so I set to work, back in 1998 and continued until today.

color: 444444 "> I want to thank all those who have trusted me, help, encourage and encouragement in this stage of my life.

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